APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR MEDIA CREDENTIALS SHERIDAN WYO RODEO™ and World Championship Indian Relay Races™. Application Deadline is June 27, 2025.
If you have immediate questions or are on deadline, please call WYO Rodeo board president Hayden Heaphy at 307.751.8990. or Kelly Pascal Gould with Pascal Public Relations at 303.324.6723
The Sheridan WYO RodeoTM (SWR) is a nationally recognized, top-ranked, professional rodeo sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). The World Championship Indian Relay Races™ feature the best Indian relay horse racing teams in the nation. We promote our community, Sheridan, Wyoming, and the Western lifestyle and culture. To the extent possible, we intend to assist journalists and photographers by giving them access to get photos, interviews and information, without endangering themselves, and without interfering with the rodeo or related productions. In consideration of receiving media credentials, you agree to observe the procedures that are outlined in this Agreement, and terms of use of all materials and photographs obtained at the Sheridan WYO Rodeo.
Limited Assignment Credentials are available and will be granted at the sole discretion of the Sheridan WYO Rodeo board. Credentials may be issued only to the following and are not guaranteed.
- PRCA member photographers with a membership card valid for the current year.
- Paid employees of media outlets.
- Writers or photographers with a valid letter of assignment from a media outlet. We do request that all individuals in this category provide us with a copy of their work when it is published.
Media credentials consist of a Media Pass on a lanyard which will be issued to you when you first arrive at the rodeo grounds. You must visibly display your Media Pass at all times while on the rodeo grounds. Your Media Pass may not be used by anyone else.
Access to Grounds
Arrival: When you arrive at the Sheridan County Fairgrounds the first time, inform the gate attendant that you are going to the Rodeo Ticket Office to pick up your Media Pass and the attendant will let you in. The Rodeo Ticket Office is in the west parking area of the fairgrounds, in front of the grandstands. Parking is limited. Parking Passes will be issued to holders of Media Passes on a day by day basis, only if available. You must have your Media Pass on your person to gain access to the grandstands and rodeo arena. Also, you may be required to wear a wristband to access the grounds during SWR events. Your Media Pass and Parking Pass can be revoked for noncompliance.
Arrival time: Due to heavy traffic and limited parking, we strongly suggest that you arrive on the grounds, and check in at the Rodeo Ticket Office, before 6 p.m. for evening performances.
Morning Slack. PRCA Rodeo slack begins at 8 a.m. Wednesday through Saturday of Rodeo week. Times may change. Please check the schedule on line at sheridanwyorodeo.com.
Evening performances. The World Championship Indian Relay RacesTM will start promptly at 7:00 PM each evening. The PRCA Rodeo performance will follow the relay races immediately each night, Wednesday through Saturday.
Photo Pit. Photographers with a Media Pass will be allowed to take photos from the pit in front of the main grandstand. No photographers will be allowed in the photo pit without a Media Pass. Space in the Photo Pit is limited, and access will be prioritized as follows:
- Authorized PRCA photographers
- Television cameras and employees of media outlets
- Journalists on assignment
- Freelance photographers with a Media Pass
Arena. Only PRCA member photographers with a Media Pass are allowed in the performance arena. No other photographers or media persons are allowed inside the performance arena at any time.
Alleys and Chutes. The livestock alleys and platform behind the bucking chutes are busy and dangerous. No photographers or media persons will be allowed in these areas without prior permission of the SWR, and an escort.
Gold Buckle Club. The Gold Buckle Club and seating area is for members only. No other persons, including those with Media Passes, are allowed inside or outside the designated Gold Buckle Club area.
Relay Races. No persons, including those with Media Passes, are allowed in the arena or on the track before or during the World Championship Indian Relay Races™.
Dress. Suggested attire is a hat, sleeved shirt, and long pants or jeans. Close toed shoes or boots are recommended for your safety.
2025 Media Applications are due no later than Friday, June 27, 2025.
If you are from an editorial outlet and would like to be considered for a post-deadline media pass, please call Kelly Pascal Gould (303.324.6723)7